Thursday, April 16, 2009

Big Apple Fever~

Marble Duke

Merry Cherry

Pink Twister

Say Cheesee

The Alien


Kiwi blitz

Big Apple in Mines

Suppose to be my TeaTime

Tis morning gt informed by frend that there was a new outlet of Big Apple's Donut in Mines...Wow~~ really long time nvr eat a piece of reallyy niceee donut .. So decided to "fly" there for atleast a piece of choco donut. Haha, i bought a box of 6 donuts wif different flavors....(Soryy if my photography nt that gd)..There r stil lots flavor n i will try soon....


  1. Oh, wow! Those are all so yummy!! Excellent images... you should be in marketing for Big Apple's Donuts, hehe. You got me hooked ; ).

  2. No name is the Alien, and im drooling.Chompchompchomppp

  3. My say cheese donut!!!copy right copy right~
